Our Process
The Smeal College of Business believes in offering high-quality courses and is committed to excellence in teaching and learning, both online and in the classroom. The e-Learning Design Innovation Group (eLDIG) works with instructors to design, develop, and enhance Smeal’s courses. Smeal faculty are encouraged to partner with eLDIG to create and employ teaching and learning solutions.
The following is an overview of the design process eLDIG utilizes when collaborating with faculty to design and develop online courses, transition face-to-face courses to a hybrid or flipped format, or redesign individual course elements for all delivery formats.
Overview of the Design and Development Process

Phase 1:Course Preparation and Scope
Discuss course specifications (e.g., delivery mode, course goals, stakeholders, etc.) with instructional team. Create a course delivery plan outlining the course development process, delivery timeline, and collaborators’ expectations and goals.

Phase 2:Course Planning and Design
Course lead instructor (course author) works with the instructional designer(s) to develop a detailed course outline that is aligned with course learning goals. Based on the course outline, the instructional team will work together to explore pedagogical considerations and best practices to select the course design that best meets course goals and outcomes.

Phase 3:Course Development
The lead instructor (course author) and instructional designer(s) will work together to curate and develop all course content and assessments, along with media creation/selection, and integration of any technological tools or applications.

Phase 4:Course Production and Review
The instructional designer(s) will develop a prototype of the course design and layout that integrates the course content developed during phases 2 and 3 of the process. Together, the lead instructor (course author) and the instructional designer(s) will begin the review process of finalizing the course content. At this time, the instructional team will also take the opportunity to pilot/test any technological tools or applications that will be used in the course delivery.

Phase 5:Course Evaluation
The instructional team will conduct a quality assurance review of the course to ensure that specific PSU accessibility, copyright, and design/development standards are satisfied. The evaluation phase is an ongoing process that will continue during the delivery and future offerings of the course to ensure continuous quality.

Phase 6:Course Maintenance, Redesign and Development (existing courses only)
All completed courses that were designed/developed and/or are supported by the eLDIG team will move into Phase 6.
This phase has three stages:
Stage 1: Pilot Review, Redesign and Development
Stage 1 occurs following the initial course delivery. The course will cycle back through an abbreviated design and development process of phases 3-5, in order to address student and/or instructor feedback.
Stage 2: Ongoing Maintenance and Standard Development
Stage 2 occurs for every course that has been offered more than once. The course will transition into a recurring maintenance and enhancement cycle, including: CMS setup, brief content updates, media updates, technology upgrades and a standard quality assurance review.
Stage 3: Existing Course Redesign and Development
Every two to three years, courses are reviewed by the course instructional designer in collaboration with the lead instructor. They will determine the level of redesign and development required. Their assessment will be based on whether or not the content still meets the course and department goals, continues to resonate well with students, reflects Smeal’s quality standards, and meets current standards for media and technology integration.