Learning Strategies
During these unprecedented times, we have all been asked to radically adapt the ways we learn and live our lives. Remember to be patient with yourself and those around you. There are a variety of resources available to support you:
Learning Resources
- Resources are available to share emerging information with all Penn State students regarding remote learning. Please check this information regularly.
- Your classes and books can easily be accessed online via a variety of sources. Penn State provides a Canvas Student Orientation. And online texts can be viewed online through VitalSource and the Penn State library.
- Be sure to check the COVID-19 Scheduler in your Canvas course menu for up-to-date information about when and how you will meet in person and remotely.
- Remember to check your syllabus and course announcements frequently for key course information and updates.
- Finally, Penn State has posted a helpful guide for suggestions for adapting your study strategies during this period of remote learning. You may find helpful resources here to stay organized and maintain motivation.
Communication Tools
- Maintain frequent communication with your instructor and classmates. Canvas and O365 Teams provide a variety of virtual engagement tools.
Smeal Resources
- Smeal Business Career Center is offering online consultations if you have questions around career services.
- It is also imperative that you remember your commitment to the Smeal Honor Code, as academic integrity will be taken seriously during this period of remote learning.
Wellness Support
- Student Affairs has several remote wellness resources available. Do not hesitate to seek support. You may feel like you are struggling at times. There are many counseling resources available to help you as well.
Finally, the following strategies are helpful to keep in mind as you navigate these new expectations. First and foremost, tend to your safety and security so that you will be able to meet your academic responsibilities with integrity and care.