Smeal’s eLearning Design & Innovation Group (eLDIG)
Passing the Gratitude
“The more you practice the art of thankfulness,
the more you have to be thankful for.”
– Norman Vincent Peale
Of all the things you may pass during your Thanksgiving Day celebration this year, our wish is that gratitude would be the one shared and enjoyed the most. As we prepare for Fall 2024’s finale it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the things we have been the most thankful for this semester.
In the spirit of “passing the gratitude” we here at eLDIG are thankful for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing community in support of its mission to provide excellence in education. We’re thankful for our team members who are passionate about teaching and learning, and for the many opportunities we have to exercise our individual and collective growth mindset muscles!
Podcast Spotlight

Thankful for Our Students
This month’s Smeal Academy podcast highlights one of the best reasons to be thankful for working at Smeal – our students! In part two of our student engagement podcast, students discuss the role of technology in the classroom, including AI, and how it affects learning.
Podcasts are released frequently, and housed on our eLDIG website, or follow the Smeal Academy Podcast on your preferred podcatcher!
Upcoming Smeal Academy Sessions
Thankful for Our Community
We are grateful for the enthusiastic participation of the Smeal community in this semester’s Smeal Academy sessions. Participants this fall have explored and discussed everything from classroom engagement to the ethical implications of AI. We are grateful for your many contributions this semester, and look forward to renewed exploration in the New Year!
Smeal Academy GenAI Series – GenAI Teaching and Learning Use Cases
January 23, 2025 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Join the eLDIG team and Smeal faculty and staff to explore ways that Generative AI is being used In our college classrooms!
Join us via Zoom.
Previous Smeal Academy session recordings can be viewed on the eLDIG website.
Tips for Teaching & Learning With Technology
Thankful for Innovation
Several of the tools we rely on for teaching and learning with technology are going through major changes as Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more prominent in higher education. One such innovation is highlighted below:

New AI Functionality in Zoom
Recent updates to Zoom include new AI-driven functionality designed to make meetings more efficient. These features are off by default and must be enabled by the meeting Host (either prior to or during the meeting):
- Smart Recording allows you to organize your recorded meetings into sections and identifies editable key takeaways and meeting action items.
- Meeting Summary generates an emailed summary of the meeting with the option for the host to share the summary with participants. Note that if a host enables this feature in a meeting participants may automatically receive summaries after the meeting ends.
- Thread Summary summarizes discussions in the Zoom Team chat threads.
(Note: Meeting audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments, or other communications are not used to train Zoom’s AI models.)
For more information on these tools please reference the Getting Started with Zoom AI knowledgebase article.
We’re Here to Help!
We can help you with course design and redesign, educational technology tools such as Canvas, Zoom, and Kaltura, strategies for assessment and evaluation, instructional best practices, and the integration of Smeal College and University-wide resources.
Let’s start a conversation about how Smeal’s eLearning Design & Innovation Group can help you.