Finalizing Your Canvas Gradebook

By December 7, 2021September 26th, 2022Video Tech Tips

Finalizing Your Canvas Gradebook

This video explains how to finalize your students’ grades in Canvas. There are three important recommendations in the video:

  1. All grades should have a numeric value in them. A dash ( — ) will count as a zero in the final grade calculation, it will not remove that assignment from overall grade calculation.
  2. Make sure all hidden grades are visible to students. Whether a grade is visible to students or not won’t affect the student’s true grade, but it does allow them to fully understand why they earned the grade they did.
  3. Export the grades in Canvas to an Excel document and check to make sure that students’ listed “Current Grade” is the same as their listed “Final Grade.” If these numbers are not the same, then there is an issue somewhere in the Canvas Gradebook that will need to be troubleshooted.