eLDIG News
February 24, 2022

Issue playing YouTube videos from MS Office apps in Smeal and GPC classrooms

Description: A global issue with YouTube's integration with Microsoft Office is currently preventing links to YouTube videos from Microsoft Office applications (such as Word and Powerpoint) from playing as expected…
eLDIG News
December 2, 2021

Pulling Final Grades into LionPATH from Canvas

When your semester grading is complete, please consult these resources that cover how to upload your grades from Canvas to LionPATH. Creating a Compatible Penn State Grading Scheme In order…
eLDIG News
June 4, 2021

Top Hat: Learn how to engage students in your course

Given the challenges many students have experienced navigating and accessing remote learning environments, providing the proper support is vital to set students up for success. Top Hat’s cloud-based tools combine attendance…