Monthly Archives

September 2020

Fall 2020 Resilience Newsletter 2

Resources for Remote Teaching – Spring 2021 Newsletter 2

The goal of the Smeal Academy is to equip everyone with best practices and strategies for teaching, learning, and technology to ensure the Smeal community is prepared to respond to the unique challenges in teaching during this time. Throughout the semester, we will be sending emails with practical tips and information, providing live sessions, and holding virtual consultations.

The Zooms, They Are A-Changing

Just when we thought we had Zoom all figured out…

Just kidding… you can handle this!

On September 27, Zoom is implementing changes worldwide to enhance meeting security. Beginning on that date, all Zoom meetings will require a passcode (formerly referred to as password), or a Waiting Room to be enabled for all meetings. Any Zoom meetings that have already been scheduled and do not have a passcode configured will automatically have Waiting Rooms enabled.  In summary:

  • Existing meetings: A Waiting Room will be added to your existing Zoom meetings if you have neither a Waiting Room nor a passcode (password) for the meeting already.
  • New meetings: When you create a new meeting, a passcode will be added to it.

Full details on Waiting Rooms and passcode requirements are available on Penn State’s Zoom website.  eLDIG has compiled some helpful information to prepare you for this transition.

Current News

  • Spring 2021 Instructional Modes Due Before Friday, September 25
  • The same flexible instructional modes used for the fall 2020 semester will be used for the spring 2021 semester at all Penn State campuses.
  • Instructors should identify the instructional mode for their spring courses, in consultation with unit leadership, by Friday, September 25. For more information, please refer to the Spring 2021 Planning page on the Keep Teaching Website.

Upcoming Live Sessions

  • Faculty Panel TEACHTalk – Real-World Synchronous and Mixed Audience Classroom Management Strategies
    Are you trying to manage simultaneous online and face-to-face students? Have you found solutions or do you have questions about classroom management, tips, and tools that improve your remote and/or hybrid teaching experience? Do you want to hear how others are managing lectures (to record or not to record), group formation, class discussions, or attendance? Come for a discussion with Smeal faculty and staff members to discuss common needs and solutions for managing synchronous remote and/or classes with a combination of students on Zoom and in person. Join us Friday, September 25 from 9 to 10 a.m. via Zoom.

NOTE: Recordings and resources from previous sessions can be found on our eLDIG  Website.

Tips of the Week

  • Tip #1: Check Your Zoom Settings. On September 27, 2020, a Zoom update will affect your use of the tool in two ways:Existing meetings: A Waiting Room will be added to your existing Zoom meetings if you have neither a Waiting Room nor a passcode (password) for the meeting already.New meetings: When you create a new meeting, a passcode will be added to it.
  • Tip #2: Set Up Starfish Grade Thresholds in Canvas. Starfish is more important now than ever, as we consider the need to support students affected by COVID. You can streamline the Starfish reporting process by setting gradebook thresholds in Canvas. Of course, you will want to be sure your gradebook is accurate before completing Starfish reports!


Helpful Websites


Check out the eLDIG Website for more resources and support.

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected] or fill out our Remote Teaching Support form.

Group Work Faculty Panel Discussion

Faculty Panel – Group Projects in Online, Remote, and Hybrid Courses:

Are you trying to figure out strategies for group work in your online/remote and hybrid classes? This session explored how some of our faculty are integrating group work in their classes. They discussed best practices and lessons learned and allowed time for participant Q & A to discuss questions, concerns, and needs. This session was held Wednesday, September 9 from 9 to 10 a.m.

Panelists: Norm Aggon, Shawn Clark, Nancy McClure, Jeanette Miller, Felisa Preciado-Higgins, and Al Vicere


Fall 2020 Resilience Newsletter 1

Fall 2020 Resilience Newsletter 1

The goal of the Smeal Academy is to equip everyone with best practices and strategies for teaching, learning, and technology to ensure the Smeal community is prepared to respond to the unique challenges in teaching during this time. Throughout the semester, we will be sending emails with practical tips and information, providing live sessions, and holding virtual consultations.

Summer 2020 Smeal Academy Session Recordings

More than 100 Smeal faculty and staff attended our Summer 2020 Smeal Academy sessions. Here is a list of topics covered with links to curated recordings and resources:

Current News

Kaltura and Zoom
Penn State’s media management platform, Kaltura, has had intermittent issues the past week due to increased demand on resources related to Fall remote instruction. Recent infrastructure updates will hopefully minimize recording errors and delays. However, if issues persist recordings can be manually downloaded from Zoom and uploaded to Kaltura, or shared directly from Zoom using the “Share recordings with viewers” link in the confirmation email sent from Zoom when recordings have finished processing.Also, any Zoom recordings made between August 26 at 10 a.m. ET through August 27 at 7 p.m. and August 31 at 10 a.m. through August 31 at 1:30 p.m. may not have been migrated to Kaltura. In this case, recordings should be manually downloaded from Zoom and uploaded to Kaltura.

Upcoming Live Sessions

Faculty Panel – Group Projects in Online, Remote, and Hybrid Courses
Are you trying to figure out strategies for group work in your online/remote and hybrid classes? Come to hear how some of our faculty are integrating group work in their classes. We will discuss best practices and lessons learned as well as have Q & A time to discuss your course concerns and needs. Join us Wednesday, September 9 from 9 to 10 a.m. via Zoom. NOTE:  Recordings and resources from previous sessions can be found on our eLDIG  Website.

Tips of the Week

    • Tip #1: Course Announcements
      Consider using announcements for course communication to inform the entire class about something. It is easier to use than course mail for sharing global information – but you have to tell students at the beginning of the course to check announcements frequently!
    • Tip #2: Smeal iPads
      iPads will soon be distributed to faculty who requested them. eLDIG has created two videos to assist you in using your iPad or android tablet when you wish to use the whiteboard feature.


Helpful Websites


Check out the eLDIG Website for more resources and support.

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected] or fill out our Remote Teaching Support form.