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Michael Christie

Editing and Sharing Zoom Recordings in Kaltura

Editing and Sharing Zoom Recordings in Kaltura

When you record your Zoom session, that recording video is automatically saved to Kaltura under a preset name. This automatic recording is also by default not shareable with a URL link. This video explains how to edit the titles of your Zoom recordings and adjust their visibility settings so that you can easily share your recordings with anyone else through a simple URL link. Sharing videos with a URL link is a great way to share your videos with individual students or with those who are not enrolled in your Canvas course.

To share videos with your entire class, we recommend embedding the videos directly into Canvas. The second link in the “Helpful Resources” section below explains how to do this.

Helpful Resources

Clickers Be Gone: What Now?

Clickers Be Gone: Now What?

With iClicker support at Penn State ending in Spring 2022, this session explores alternative technologies and strategies for interactive polling in your courses and explores some considerations as you transition away from iClicker use. This session discusses the University’s decision to discontinue iClicker, identifies potential criteria for an ideal alternative, compares popular/available tools against ideal criteria, and introduces Top Hat – the University’s recommended replacement for iClicker – by providing an overview of the polling and attendance functions and discussing considerations for use.

Top Hat resources referenced:

Scaling Courses for Growing and Changing Enrollments

Session Slides

Student enrollments are beginning to shift to reflect the long-term desire of some students for flexible learning with the option of accessing the robust remote learning designs you offered during the pandemic. Enrollments may increase or may vary in delivery mode with students attending class from multiple audiences (face-to-face, hybrid, and/or online/asynchronous). In this session, we discussed how to respond to the growing demands for your class and best practices in scaling your course for continued engagement shifts, regardless of course size or delivery mode.

Who Moved My Zoom? – Summer 2021 Newsletter 4

Summer 2021 Resilience – Week 4

The goal of the Smeal Academy is to equip everyone with best practices and strategies for teaching, learning, and technology to ensure the Smeal community is prepared to respond to the unique teaching challenges of this time. Throughout the summer, we will be sending emails with practical tips and information, providing live sessions, and holding virtual consultations.

Last week we discussed reshaping your Fall semester. This week, we share resources that can help you utilize Kaltura for your video storage and sharing needs.

Who Moved My Zoom?

Penn State is urging you to do a “Summer Clean Up” of Zoom storage. This announcement reflects a shift in the University’s video storage and delivery policy away from Zoom and towards Kaltura. Recording in Zoom is still recommended.

Accompanying the request to delete unused recordings from Zoom will be other changes coming this Fall which could change workflows related to sharing video content with students.

To ease the transition from Zoom to Kaltura for video storage and delivery we’ve provided an overview of Kaltura and its integration with Canvas below. We will also be conducting a “Who Moved My Zoom?” Smeal Faculty Academy session in the near future to discuss some of the Fall changes and updated best practices in more detail.

What Is Kaltura?

Kaltura is Penn State’s tool for storing, publishing and streaming media. It’s cloud based and works in conjunction with Zoom and Canvas to help incorporate digital content into coursework easily and seamlessly. The Penn State Web site that hosts Kaltura is named Mediaspace – so you may read articles that mention it.

Why Zoom Video Storage is Transitioning to Kaltura

  • Zoom storage is expensive. Penn State needs to reduce our costs.
  • Zoom videos are already automatically transferred to Kaltura for storage/delivery.
  • Providing captions to videos is easier in Kaltura.
  • You can structure your Kaltura videos into Playlists for easy access.
  • You can easily integrate your videos and Playlists into Canvas.
  • You can view robust viewer analytics on Kaltura videos.

How Zoom and Kaltura Work Together

  • Video content recorded in Zoom is automatically stored in Kaltura as well.
  • While Kaltura does have a tool to record video, it is not an optimal recording solution. We recommend recording videos using Zoom then using Kaltura to publish, store, and deliver video content through its seamless integration with Canvas.

How to Access Kaltura

  • You can go to the Kaltura Web Site.
  • You can access it directly at the Mediaspace Web Site.
  • You can also view your Kaltura videos from Canvas by clicking the “My Media” option on your Canvas Main Navigation.

How to Locate and Organize Your Kaltura Videos

  1. Locate Kaltura Videos
    Once you have logged into Kaltura or opened My Media in Canvas, you can search by keywords in Kaltura’s search functionality, or use search Filters to narrow your results.
  2. Organize Kaltura Videos
    Videos can be organized into Playlists (video collections in a list viewable by anyone) and Channels (video collections shared with specific users).
  3. Access Kaltura Analytics
    Instructors can view robust Kaltura analytics for both stand-alone videos embedded into course content as well as Course Media Galleries. These analytics can provide useful insights using metrics such as Plays, Minutes Viewed, and Completion Rate, to name a few. This data can be used to improve future content offerings, identify content that is under-utilized by students, and provide a means to hold students accountable for watching required content.
  4. Share Your Kaltura Videos in Canvas
    Rich integrations between the Canvas and Kaltura platforms streamline delivering video content to students. These integrations eliminate the need to log into multiple systems to find and deliver videos, reduce the chance of errors caused by copying long links or embed code, and provide the assurance that security, access, and analytics are at optimum levels.Videos can be organized within Canvas using the Course Media Gallery option. Each Canvas course contains a “hidden” Course Media Gallery. It must be activated by the instructor or other course editor within Canvas to be used. Using the Course Media Gallery ensures that analytics will capture individual student activity and that video permissions are set to allow students in your course to view video content.You can also embed individual videos into Canvas pages, announcements, quizzes, etc.

Upcoming Live Sessions

Clickers Be Gone: What Now?

With iClicker support ending in Spring 2022, this session will explore alternative technologies and strategies for interactive polling in your courses and explore some considerations as you transition away from iClicker use.

Join us Wednesday, August 11 from 12 to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

NOTE:  Recordings and resources from previous sessions can be found on our eLDIG Website.

Tips of the Week

Tip 1: Access Help Docs About Canvas

Got a burning Canvas question and you need the answer NOW? Here are some ways to get that answer:

  • Access Canvas Docs: Visit the Canvas Community for great, step-by-step instructions on just about anything related to Canvas.
  • Access Canvas Help: In Canvas, click the Help button (a question mark) in the lower left area of the screen. From there you can text chat with or call an expert, access help documents, and more!

Tip 2: Write Better Discussion Questions

Match discussion questions with your learning objectives to evoke deeper, richer responses and interactions in online discussions. View this site on Online Discussions to learn more!

Tip 3: Use Low or No-stakes Quizzes to Elicit Learning

Research on low or no-stakes quizzes indicates that students perform better on the “real” quizzes and exams. It’s a great way for students to test themselves, discover their weaknesses and proactively address them.
Source: Ungraded Quizzes: Any Chance They Promote Learning? (2015). Teaching Professor, 29(5), 3.


Helpful Websites


Check out the eLDIG website for more resources and support.

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected] or fill out our Remote Teaching Support form.

Reshaping Your Fall Semester  – Summer 2021 Newsletter 3

Summer 2021 Readiness – Week 3

The goal of the Smeal Academy is to equip everyone with best practices and strategies for teaching, learning, and technology to ensure the Smeal community is prepared to respond to the unique teaching challenges of this time. Throughout the summer, we will be sending emails with practical tips and information, providing live sessions, and holding virtual consultations.

Last week we discussed the Lessons Learned from the pandemic. This week, we share resources that can help you look to the Fall and how you will reshape your courses to meet the demands of students, and the need to keep them engaged. During your teaching in the last year and a half, you may have started using technologies you never used before.

Collaborative Technologies

You may have used collaborative technologies like discussion boards, slides, notes, polls, whiteboards, collaborative documents, Zoom chat features, and videos as a way of engaging students in constructing their understanding of your content. You may be thinking about your Fall courses and wondering how you can take the best of what you did and mix it with your teaching methods used before the pandemic. Students often want to use their technologies in the classroom, anyway, so why not leverage their tech and put it to work?! Consider having students bring their devices and connect to some of these collaborative technologies while engaged in your face-to-face teaching.

Informal Course Communications

Using Zoom chat and discussion boards or other technologies that capture students’ responses has become a new way for students to connect with you and each other. You may have found in some classes that you were challenged to get students to “unmute” and be engaged. We find that at times students are as unlikely to unmute and share ideas in virtual classrooms as in-person students are to raise their hand in a live lecture. However, the chat stream may have been very busy essentially forming something we call the “backchannel.” This channel permitted you to engage in less formal ways. Students may have felt it was less risky to answer a question in the chat interactions. You can continue to capitalize on this channel in the coming year if it aligns with your course and student needs. When used purposefully and with inclusive and respectful communication, backchannels can offer an important communication mode for students to interact with course content, the instructor, and each other.

Breakout Rooms

During the pandemic, if you wanted to facilitate small groups, you may have turned to using breakout rooms for collaboration between students. You may have used breakout rooms to ask students information about their prior knowledge, to have them work on problems or cases, or to wrap up and identify points of interest or confusion. You can continue to use these tools in your face-to-face learning to garner the benefits of the additional tools that came along with them, like whiteboards, screen sharing, and internet searching. In socially distanced, mixed audiences and fully face-to-face classrooms, a student can put on headphones and get to work together on meaningful activities. You might be surprised to find them doing this even outside the classroom if you leave your digital space open to students.

Come to this week’s Smeal Academy webinar to learn more about ways to reshape your courses this fall.


Glantz, E., Gamrat, C., Lenze, L., & Bardzell, J. (2021, March 16). Improved Student Engagement in Higher Education’s Next Normal. EDUCAUSE Review.

Current News

Zoom Storage

Zoom, Penn State’s video conferencing solution, has limited storage capacity and is not intended as a long-term storage solution. Penn State IT asks that everyone reviews and deletes recordings stored in Zoom which are no longer needed. All Zoom recordings are automatically transferred to Kaltura and are currently stored on that platform. While temporary links to videos stored in Zoom are fine, permanent links should always direct your viewers to Kaltura. Later this summer more extensive plans will be shared to help manage Zoom storage, including matching links from Zoom to Kaltura, updating permalinks that you may have, and documentation and help resources. For now, we ask that you review your old Zoom recordings and delete those which are no longer needed. For more information how to delete recordings in Zoom, please refer to Zoom: Delete Cloud Recordings.

Piazza Model Change

The Piazza vendor informed individuals at Penn State with Piazza accounts that they are reversing course on placing ads in its discussion platform as previously announced, however, Piazza will be shifting to a paid model. A free version of Piazza can be used, but starting August 1, 2021, premium features such as polls, statistics, and class locking capabilities will only be available in the paid version. Check out the full story in Penn State News.

VoiceThread New Assignment Interface

VoiceThread’s New Assignment interface is being turned on university-wide on June 30, 2021. Until that date, instructors may, if they choose, enable New Assignments on a per-course basis. After June 30, the New Assignment interface will be turned on for all VoiceThread users and the old interface will no longer be available. Read this article on how to enable VoiceThread New Assignments. To learn about the new features, check out the following resource: VoiceThread: Using New Assignments. Please refer to our knowledge base article How to Incorporate Learning Tool Integrations (LTIs) in Your Course to learn how to activate VoiceThread or any other integration into Canvas. If additional support is required, please email [email protected].

Top Hat

Top Hat is a cloud-based student engagement platform that leverages student’s devices to increase in-class engagement and real-time feedback. Instructors can engage students in and outside of the classroom with interactive slides, graded questions, customized content, discussions, polls, and assessments. Top Hat is free for all Penn State faculty, staff, and students. Additionally, Top Hat offers free and low-cost textbook options to increase affordability for students. If you are interested in learning more about Top Hat, ITLD and Top Hat are offering “bite-sized” classes on how to help you get acquainted with the tool a little bit at a time. Visit the ITDL events calendar to get started.

Upcoming Live Sessions

Scaling Courses for Growing and Changing Enrollments

Student enrollments are beginning to shift to reflect the long-term desire of some students for flexible learning with the option of accessing the robust remote learning designs you offered during the pandemic. Enrollments may increase or may vary in delivery mode with students attending class from multiple audiences (face-to-face, hybrid, and/or online/asynchronous). In this session, we will discuss how to respond to the growing demands for your class and best practices in scaling your course for continued engagement shifts, regardless of course size or delivery mode.

Join us Tuesday, July 27 from 2 to 3 p.m. via Zoom.

NOTE:  Recordings and resources from previous sessions can be found on our eLDIG Website.

Tips of the Week

Tip #1: Give more feedback with fewer grades.

A letter grade will never help a student grow the way specific and timely feedback from you will. You might give a lot of grades because you feel a certain number of points or letter grades should be posted on a regular basis. If you want higher quality learning to happen in your classroom, consider emphasizing more focus on student feedback as much as you can. Assign students more robust, collaborative, project-based tasks, develop strong grading rubrics, and prepare specific feedback to student’s submissions. Canvas now allows you to save frequently used comments in Speed Grader to make student feedback more efficient.

Tip #2: Offer open-resource tests and quizzes.

Offer students more open resource (“book”) tests, let them use a variety of non-print resources that they now have available to them. Academic Integrity continues to be a critical issue. Information is readily available in books, articles, online, and through many other resources and, as a result, memorization is becoming much less necessary. What we should be asking from our students is doing something WITH that information—like developing and defending an opinion about it or higher order tasks that require a level of originality that can’t simply be memorized. If designed well, our assessments could be open-book, open-note, open-resource, and still be an excellent measure of what our students have learned.

Gonzalez, J. (2021) No More Easy Button: A Suggested Approach to Post-Pandemic Teaching, Cult of Pedagogy, June 29, 2021.


Helpful Websites


Check out the eLDIG website for more resources and support.

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected] or fill out our Remote Teaching Support form.

Yes, You Can Keep Doing It! Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

As we prepare for the new normal in teaching and learning, let’s pause to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned over the past year. We will be joined by a panel of Smeal faculty sharing what they plan to carry forward into their teaching next semester.

Session Slides

Some Helpful Resources:

Inclusive Design for Mixed and Hybrid Delivery – Summer 2021 Newsletter 2

Summer 2021 – Designing for Students in Multiple Delivery Modes

The goal of the Smeal Academy is to equip everyone with best practices and strategies for teaching, learning, and technology to ensure the Smeal community is prepared to respond to the unique teaching challenges of this time. Throughout the summer, we will be sending emails with practical tips and information, providing live sessions, and holding virtual consultations.

This week, we share resources that can help you consider strategies for teaching courses to a mixed mode of students who will be joining your course both in person and online. A number of our students will not be able to return to campus this Fall due to the Pandemic and have indicated their need to participate remotely through the “Raise Your Hand” initiative in Starfish.

The future is flexible!

Flexibility in delivery modes is probably here to stay. According to the 2021 Chloe 6 Report, 83% of public universities expect to see an increase in undergraduate, online enrollment as a part of the long-term impact of the pandemic (NOTE: Study sample size = 361 schools: 26% Public 2 year; 35% Public 4 year; 35% Private 4 year; 21% For Profit). As we think about how this will affect teaching and learning, consider that we are entering a new normal where students are entering our classes with the experience and likely an expectation or need for some flexibility in participation modes and digital access to resources. The new normal is shaped by our experiences over the last 15 months, so remember that all learners (and instructors) will benefit when we continue some of the best practices we’ve adopted during this time.

Build Community

If we are not intentional about building community in our classes (regardless of delivery mode), students are more likely to:

  • Earn lower grades,
  • Withdraw from your course or dropout from school altogether, and/or
  • Have increased feelings of social isolation (Ali & Smith, 2015).

Though some courses have a “no technology” policy, when you have students who will be participating in your course both in person and from a distance, technology can help connect students both in the classroom and online and level the playing field. Here are a couple of strategies you might consider:

  • Use a tool like Top Hat for polling for synchronous and asynchronous participants with the same poll.
  • Group students with a mix of in-person and remote participants so they can get to know each other,
  • Use social icebreakers,
  • Consider merging sections in Canvas to connect students using Canvas tools, and
  • Extend conversations beyond the classroom by using tools like Canvas, Top Hat, or Packback discussions. This can help foster reflection, synthesis, and community-building.

Structure Your Course for Success

Have you ever had to go for a test at the hospital, been taken through various hallways and rooms and then tried to follow the signs to the exit, hoping you’d find your way out (and felt relieved when you found your way out)? Sometimes, there aren’t enough signs, and you can become anxious that you might be going the wrong way. Sometimes, you need to ask for help because you feel lost. Just as we don’t like feeling lost in a physical space, it’s important to ensure that students can navigate our course spaces with ease as well.

Imagine what it’s like for a student to enter your Canvas space for the first time. Do they know where to begin and is there an adequate road map that’s easy for them to follow so they know where things are and how the course is organized? There is nothing more frustrating than for students to feel like they are on a scavenger hunt when trying to navigate their way through their courses. Here are three things you can do that will help all of your students find their way in your courses:

  • Put your syllabus in the syllabus tab. Though this may seem obvious, not everyone does this.
  • Organize your content into modules and use Canvas pages to provide the instructions necessary to understand your expectations/requirements, locate and complete all activities and assignments successfully. Please refer to our Smeal Academy Canvas Space if you’d like some ideas about how to structure your course(s). Do not hesitate to contact eLDIG if you would like to talk about your course needs.
  • Use Canvas Announcements to reinforce key tasks and information. Students receive notification of announcements on their dashboards, in the Canvas inbox, in your course Announcements tab and/or “Home” page, and via email (if they have set up forwarding notifications). Canvas announcements can’t be lost or easily overlooked as easily as an email.


Current News

Canvas SpeedGrader: Comment Library

Instructors and graders can save frequently used comments to a Comment Library in SpeedGrader for reuse across multiple students and assignments.

New Penn State Sign In to replace WebAccess on July 7

Beginning July 7, Penn State Account holders will log in to applications such as Canvas, LionPATH, and Workday by entering their “[email protected]” through a new Penn State sign-in screen. Read more on Penn State News.

Learning Design Summer Camp

Penn State’s learning design community, including instructional designers, instructional production specialists, librarians, faculty, educational technologists, educational web and multimedia developers, are cordially invited to register for this year’s online version of LDSC. Registration is open now and available until July 12.

This year, LDSC is scheduled for two half-day virtual format sessions on July 19 and 20. As in years past, the camp will be an informal, University-wide effort to explore innovative and creative ways to improve teaching and learning at Penn State. Join us to share what we’ve learned as crucial agents of change through the pandemic, and to explore how we’ll use the lessons we’ve learned.

Upcoming Live Sessions

Yes, You Can Keep Doing It! Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

As we prepare for the new normal in teaching and learning, let’s pause to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned over the past year. We will be joined by a panel of Smeal faculty sharing what they plan to carry forward into their teaching next semester.

Join us Wednesday, July 14th from noon to 1 p.m., via Zoom.

Scaling Your Teaching for Growing and Changing Enrollments

Enrollments by students may begin to shift to include their long-term desire to continue to have access to the robust remote learning you created during the Pandemic. Enrollments may be changing format to mixed audiences or be growing. In this session we will discuss how to answer the growing demands for your class and how to use best practices in scaling your course for continued engagement regardless of its size.

Join us Tuesday, July 27 from 2 to 3 p.m. via Zoom.

NOTE:  Recordings and resources from previous sessions can be found on our eLDIG Website.

Tips of the Week

Tip #1: Use a Canvas Master Course to Prepare Your Class for Fall

You can request a Canvas Master Course to design and prepare your course for Fall in the safety of a space that does not have enrolled students.

Tip #2: Remember to De-Stress This Summer

This resource by the Faculty Education Subcommittee can help guide you to reduce stress and burnout.


Helpful Websites


Check out the eLDIG website for more resources and support.

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected] or fill out our Remote Teaching Support form.

Lessons Learned from the Pandemic – Summer 2021 Newsletter 1

Summer 2021 Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

The goal of the Smeal Academy is to equip everyone with best practices and strategies for teaching, learning, and technology to ensure the Smeal community is prepared to respond to the unique teaching challenges of this time. Throughout the summer, we will be sending emails with practical tips and information, providing live sessions, and holding virtual consultations.

This week, we share resources that can help you reflect on the lessons we have learned from teaching through a pandemic.

As pandemic-related rules and restrictions continue to ease in our communities and campuses, we find ourselves needing to make decisions about how to move forward and prepare for the next semester in our classrooms. While we may anticipate the return of some beloved rituals and routines from our “pre-pandemic” practice, it is important to also reflect on all that we have learned over the past year, and how some of those practices may continue to be implemented to invigorate and enliven our return to on-campus teaching! The following are a few examples, as well as links to resources that may support your reflection.

Keep communicating!

Never has the importance of effective communication been more apparent than over the past year. Students will always appreciate clear communication plans and defined expectations around course participation delivered via Canvas. That will never change.

Not only that, but we have all shared in healthy collaboration around teaching and learning across the college, the University, and beyond. That sharing has made us all better educators. Let’s keep the conversations going!

Bring technology back into the classroom with you!

Yes, you can (and should) bring technology back into the classroom with you! Maybe now you manage Zoom breakout rooms like a pro or set up Google Jam boards with the best of them. Leverage that technology expertise to allow for greater flexibility in your classroom! The more ways in which students and instructors can participate in the classroom, contribute to discussions, and share their ideas, the more learning improves.

Focus on what matters most

Many of us found this year that we had to be very intentional about what to include in our classes due to time constraints. Continue to focus on what matters most. That is good guidance for teaching — and life!

Speaking of what matters most…

Our patience and compassion muscles have been majorly tested and strengthened through our pandemic experiences. We may be going back into the classroom and workplace, but we now have much more appreciation for the challenges we all face. Let’s continue to hold that in mind.


If you would like to read more reflections from educators preparing to return to the classroom, you may want to check out one of these articles. Also, join us in July for a Smeal Academy Session focused on what our teaching faculty plan to continue into the next semester.

Darby, F. (2021, May 5). 7 Dos & Don’ts for Post-Pandemic Teaching with Technology. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Glantz, E., Gamrat, C., Lenze, L., & Bardzell, J. (2021, March 16). Improved Student Engagement in Higher Education’s Next Normal. EDUCAUSE Review.

Gooblar, D. (2021, March 24). Our Slimmed-Down Pandemic Pedagogy. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Current News

New Penn State Sign-In

Penn State will replace its WebAccess portal with a new sign-in method starting July 7. For more information, please see this article.

Learning Design Summer Camp

Penn State’s learning design community, including instructional designers, instructional production specialists, librarians, faculty, educational technologists, educational web and multimedia developers, are cordially invited to register for this year’s online version of LDSC. Registration is open now and available until July 12.

This year, LDSC is scheduled for two half-day virtual format sessions on July 19 and 20. As in years past, the camp will be an informal, University-wide effort to explore innovative and creative ways to improve teaching and learning at Penn State. Join us to share what we’ve learned as crucial agents of change through the pandemic, and to explore how we’ll use the lessons we’ve learned.

Upcoming Live Sessions

Inclusive Design Strategies for Mixed Audience Classes

Not all students will be able to return to campus this Fall. Will you be teaching students both in the classroom and online? Come hear some best practices to ensure a great learning experience for all students (while keeping things manageable for you).

Join us Tuesday, June 24 from noon to 1 p.m., via Zoom.

Yes, You Can Keep Doing It! Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

As we prepare for the new normal in teaching and learning, let’s pause to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned over the past year. We will be joined by a panel of Smeal faculty sharing what they plan to carry forward into their teaching next semester.

Join us Wednesday, July 14th from noon to 1 p.m., via Zoom.

NOTE:  Recordings and resources from previous sessions can be found on our eLDIG Website.

Tips of the Week

Tip #1: Collaborative Documents

Did you use collaborative documents like Google Docs or Jam boards to monitor remote synchronous group work? Keep using those in the face-to-face classroom! Collaborative documents are a great way to see what groups are talking about, especially in cases where students may “clam up” when you try to engage them in face-to-face conversation. It is an effective way to determine which groups might need some redirection, as well as capture and record what happens in small groups.

Tip #2: Engaged Classroom Strategy

Continue to make your classroom time active! Consider providing students with short, recorded videos ahead of class so that they come prepared to engage in more active-learning and discussion exercises in class. Note: Remember to make sure that you do not post video recording from prior semesters that include student names/comments/responses. All student images, names, chat, and other data must be deleted.


Helpful Websites


Check out the eLDIG website for more resources and support.

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected] or fill out our Remote Teaching Support form.

Inclusive Design for Mixed Audiences

Not all students will be able to return to campus this Fall. Will you be teaching students both in the classroom and online? This session, which was held on June 24, 2021, shared some best practices to ensure a great learning experience for all students (while keeping things manageable for you).

Session Slides

Some Helpful Resources: